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Thanks to environmental awareness, more and more consumers and companies are considering their decisions and the impact they can have on the environment. Today, it is very common to hear terms such as “sustainability”, “circular economy” or “sustainable products“. These eco-friendly concepts are deeply connected, but only products that are sustainable are capable of putting this environmental concern into practice. Therefore, we are going to explain in detail what sustainable products are, and which ones help to look after the environment.
What is a sustainable product?
Sustainable products are those that are made respecting the environment and taking into account its ecological footprint (EF). They are manufactured through clean, non-polluting processes, optimizing the resources used, or using renewable energy. Thanks to this practical approach, products can last over time without harming the future of the following generations.
More than a passing ‘fad’, this kind of durable and environmentally friendly products represent a paradigm shift, both in our way of producing and consuming products. Sustainability makes us aware of the need to change many of the harmful habits that we are accustomed to. In fact, achieving a more eco-friendly lifestyle does not imply a great sacrifice: just adopting a more sustainable mentality, we will already be respecting and protecting our environment. So next we are going to show you four products with sustainable designs that can contribute to a greener world.
Some examples of products with sustainable design that you should know
Sustainable packaging is designed to protect the environment from the waste we usually generate. This methodology is based on the circular economy, which implies reducing, recycling and reusing raw materials as many times as possible. Below we list four examples of sustainable designs that can be considered for different types of business.
Eco packaging for cosmetics
Beauty sector is responsible for a large amount of waste and consumption of plastics and other materials, especially in creams, shampoos and makeup containers. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the use of sustainable materials when designing the packaging of these products. One recommendation is to replace plastic containers with glass containers (returnable, if possible), and also use sustainable material for packaging, among other measures.
Sustainable packaging for food
The use of sustainable packaging in the food sector, especially in takeaway food packaging and products purchased in supermarkets, plays a crucial role in preserving our health and the environment. By replacing plastic with biodegradable materials, it is possible to minimize the negative effects caused by waste generation and management, as well as by the ingestion of microplastics, a health issue that is causing growing concern among experts. In addition, this practice is aligned with the principles of circular economy included in the European Union laws and directives.
Reusable cutlery
There are several options available in the market for reusable cutlery that are respectful of the environment, and avoid the use of single-use plastic. Once again, it is convenient to adapt our businesses to current regulations, in addition to discouraging the unnecessary use of plastic. A great option – as a good example of sustainable products – are biodegradable cutlery, capable of easily disintegrating in the environment without generating future inconveniences or toxic substances. This cutlery stands out for being not expensive, as well as innovative at the same time.
Design of multipurpose wrappers
The design of multipurpose wrappers seeks to maximize the usefulness of the materials used in the packaging of products. It consists of designing the wrappers so that they can have a second function or be reused after its initial purpose. For example, a dual-use wrapper could be a cloth bag that, in addition to protecting the main product during its transport, can later be used as a reusable shopping bag.
Benefits for the planet: advantages of buying and producing sustainable products
Now that we have in mind some examples of sustainable products, let’s analyze the benefits that bring their consumption and production:
- They are disposable but do not contain toxins or chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Since they are biodegradable products, they break down easily in nature, unlike plastic-based products.
- They reduce the carbon footprint thanks to their clean and non-polluting processes.
- Resources and energy used to produce them are optimized. This helps to reduce the abusive consumption of raw materials.
- They are versatile and can be reused and recycled, which increases the useful life of the products and reduces the use of new polluting materials.
- In summary, adopting a lifestyle that respects the environment by consuming more sustainable products, brings multiple advantages for our planet. Furthermore, from a corporate point of view, companies that pollute or do not respect nature generate a negative image for their
- potential customers. So, let’s explain the importance of corporate social responsibility.
Sustainability as competitive advantage: why bet on a sustainable brand?
Currently, the implementation of sustainable practices in companies generates multiple benefits that are highly valued by consumers. For this reason, if we develop solid corporate sustainability, we will generate trust and a good brand image, in addition to adding value to the company. In addition to some sustainable practices that can be easily incorporated into any enterprise, there are also other advantages that your business could benefit from, including the following:
- Costs reduction: implementing actions such as reducing energy use, paper consumption or waste production, among others, leads to a reduction in costs and expenses for the company.
- Customer acquisition: there is a growing preference for projects concerned about the environment, such as the manufacture of sustainable products. Nowadays, ecological awareness influences the purchasing decisions of many consumers, who value businesses not only for what they do or offer… but also for what they represent.
- Tax benefits: current legislation promotes the development of sustainable practices through incentives, that benefit those companies that meet corporate sustainability objectives.
- Long-term future: a brand that is committed to sustainability ensures its long-term projection in a more solid way. Sustainability strengthens your market position, also increasing your ability to adapt to future changes.
Sustainability, step by step: how can I create an environmentally concerned brand?
According to data from the international study Green Response Report 2021, Spain is one of the countries with the most awareness about the importance of implementing sustainable practices that reduce global warming. This is just a sample of how the optimization of sustainable resources, and awareness about the circular economy, not only benefit the planet, but also your business.
For this reason, we at Kaeltia are committed to sustainability of our products and to creating greener companies. With a highly qualified team, our primary objective is to advise and help companies that intend to implement sustainable products or improve their products/services through ecodesign, also adapting themselves to the new laws by integrating the circular economy into their internal processes, always taking into account a holistic and inclusive point of view. Work for a greener future with us!!