Environmental Labeling

Type I labels (ISO 14024)

this type of label is characterised by being voluntary and indicating the environmental preference of a product or service within a product category. It guarantees that the product meets environmental criteria and is certified by a third party. It has specific evaluation criteria and validity periods.

Within this group we find the European Ecological Label (Eco-label), which is promoted by the European Union and is voluntary for companies that wish to prove that their products or services meet environmental criteria compared to others in the same category. Currently, 11 categories are described within the Eco-label (textiles, electronic equipment, paper, personal care and animal products, among others…).

Type I Label Examples

Semi-type I label

this type of environmental label is verified by a third party; these labels enjoy prestige, tradition and recognition. They usually belong to social organisations, sector associations, manufacturers, etc. They do not usually cover the entire Life cycle analysis.

Semi-type I label examples

Type II labels (ISO 14021)

these types of labels are not certified or validated by a third party; they are considered Environmental Self-Declarations. They convey information on environmental aspects of products or services, which must be verifiable, accurate and not lead to confusion. It is normally carried out by the manufacturer itself through texts, symbols or graphics.

Type II label examples

Type III labels (ISO 14025)

are established as Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), which are based on the Life Cycle Analysis of a product or a service and are verified by an independent third party. These EPDs make it possible to offer information to the supply chain and the consumer, so that they can make a comparison of their environmental performance.

Type III label example